Egypt's premium textiles
Egypt's premium textiles
Bunduq textiles are made of high quality Egyptian cotton
Quality traditional wool weaves
Quality traditional wool weaves
Handmade kilim rugs and cushions weaved from natural Egyptian wool
Traditional Egyptian pottery
Traditional Egyptian pottery
Clay pots that tell the story of Egypt

Bunduq in brief

The BUNDUQ Company has established itself as a shining example of success in the Egyptian textile and handicraft industry. Through perseverance, innovation, and dedication, the company has risen to the top of its field, providing high-quality products and services to its customers. Not only does BUNDUQ excel in its business operations, but it also plays a crucial role in society by creating job opportunities for the youth. The company's commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and social responsibility sets it apart from its competitors and makes it a beacon of success in the business world. Entrepreneurs around the world can look to BUNDUQ as an inspiration, showcasing the importance of hard work, innovation, and dedication in achieving success. By following in the footsteps of BUNDUQ, aspiring business owners can strive to make a positive impact on both their industry and society as a whole.


Mamdouh Elsherbiny

Mamdouh Elsherbiny

Bunduq Founder and CEO
Yasser Elsherif

Yasser Elsherif

General Manager
Bunduq co-founder, general manager

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